Monaco International

Monaco International exists to promote social, recreational, and informational exchange activities that provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of family member recreational vehicles.

Monaco International is a chapter of recreational vehicle owners in FMCA.

We host rallies every year in a variety of locations, adjacent to the International FMCA conventions, and at destinations such as the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Membership to our club is open to anyone who owns any RVIA certified recreational vehicle and is a member of FMCA.

Benefits of joining our Chapter include:

  • Attending rallies, meeting new friends, and enjoying time with old and new friends.
  • Learning the experiences of others with recreational vehicles like yours.
  • Receiving a reduced rally fee, as the club subsidizes the rallies and covers the administrative costs associated with the members.
  • Inviting guests, who are FMCA members and who own a recreation vehicle, to join our Chapter and attend our rallies.

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